
CertainTeed®, a North American manufacturer of building materials, has launched Arctic Edge™ Flintlastic® SA Cold Lap Tape. This revolutionary product is the first of its kind to the market, making it the first approach to solving self-adhered modified asphalt cold weather issues with all-season rolls. This use-as-needed auxiliary tape is engineered to significantly boost Flintlastic SA adhesion in temperatures between 35°F–49°F.

Designed for low-slope residential and commercial applications to enjoy the speed and safety benefits of self-adhered tape in cold temperatures, Arctic Edge is installed during the course of normal roofing application to boost adhesion at critical interfaces, including perimeter details, sidelaps, and base/interply endlaps, ensuring the roofing system is immediately watertight. Arctic Edge also replaces metal primers, eliminating labor delays associated with longer cold weather cure times. The tape can be installed using a hand-held applicator or a stand-up applicator for longer stretches of side lap application to increase efficiency.

What’s more, when warm weather returns, Arctic Edge can be easily stored and saved for up to one year until temperature drops warrant its use. Arctic Edge is available nationally and backed by an industry-leading limited warranty. Check with your local distributor for availability.

